
Video editor free linux
Video editor free linux

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For image editing, GIMP and Inkscape have Linux pretty well covered, while Bitwig and Ardour meet most Linux audio editing needs. There is no shortage of quality desktop apps like LibreOffice, Firefox, GIMP, and VLC – even Minecraft runs perfectly well with OpenJDK Java – but when it comes to multimedia creation, Linux desktop distributions still left behind. With no Photoshop, After Effects, Ableton Live, or Premiere Pro for Linux, we have to turn to alternatives. The easiest answer is perhaps the lack of commercial applications for desktop Linux, even for a popular distribution like Ubuntu. So, a good case for using Ubuntu, yet the market penetration and all Linux distributions remains low. It is cheap (most distributions are free of charge with free community support), it is stable (Ubuntu is rock-solid), and it is secure.

video editor free linux

Why is this? Marketing aside, Ubuntu (or any Linux distribution) makes perfect sense.

Video editor free linux